What is App a Day?

With i-touches, i-pads and i-phones becoming more popular, the apps are increasing in numbers too. With so many apps out there, how do you know what is good and what isn't. That is what I am hoping to help you with in this blog. If you have a suggestion of an app to share...please send me an email to jdief99@gmail.com.

After taking a year off with a new job...I have many apps to discuss. Follow me for at least 3 new apps at week.

Updated: 1/25/2013

Monday, November 15, 2010


Today I am writing about something I have had on my ipad but have yet to use. Pandora radio was recommended to me a few months ago and I quickly added the app to my app library. I am sad to say that I have yet to use it. Today though, a student recommended this app so I thought I needed to post it and make sure I give it a try. The student said that this is what kids are listening to now days. So, AWTTW (a word to the wise), JIC (just in case) you want to be as "hip" as the kids...now you know what the kids are using.

Text Dictionary = http://www.netlingo.com/acronyms.php
Picture from http://static.product-reviews.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/pandora-app.jpg

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