What is App a Day?

With i-touches, i-pads and i-phones becoming more popular, the apps are increasing in numbers too. With so many apps out there, how do you know what is good and what isn't. That is what I am hoping to help you with in this blog. If you have a suggestion of an app to share...please send me an email to jdief99@gmail.com.

After taking a year off with a new job...I have many apps to discuss. Follow me for at least 3 new apps at week.

Updated: 1/25/2013

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

10 PinShuffle

This app comes both free or for $3.99. The Lite or free version is only the 10 Pin Poker game. Every strike gives you two cards, every spare gives you one card. Whoever has the best hand out of 10 frames wins. When you upgrade, which I had to because I enjoyed it so much, you get regular bowling and shuffle board too. We play this as a family many times a week. Both for the ipad and itouch.

Picture from http://boomnews.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/75e4f45037420-90.jpg.jpg

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