What is App a Day?

With i-touches, i-pads and i-phones becoming more popular, the apps are increasing in numbers too. With so many apps out there, how do you know what is good and what isn't. That is what I am hoping to help you with in this blog. If you have a suggestion of an app to share...please send me an email to jdief99@gmail.com.

After taking a year off with a new job...I have many apps to discuss. Follow me for at least 3 new apps at week.

Updated: 1/25/2013

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Talking Tom

Talking Tom is hilarious. No matter what you say, he will listen to you, and then repeat it. I added this app to my collection last night and my kids have loved it. It is easy to use and FREE, that is unless you want the extra options as "farting". You can even pet Tom and make him purr, hit him in the head, sock him in the gut, step on his foot and pull his tail. None of these features though are as funny as him repeating everything that is said. My family was laughing after the first time Tom talked so Tom repeated the laugh. You can even save what Tom says and upload it. Enjoy!! I also found this link to 50 Best Free ipad apps so far at http://artoftheiphone.com/2010/05/25/the-best-free-ipad-apps-so-far/

Picture from this site.

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