What is App a Day?

With i-touches, i-pads and i-phones becoming more popular, the apps are increasing in numbers too. With so many apps out there, how do you know what is good and what isn't. That is what I am hoping to help you with in this blog. If you have a suggestion of an app to share...please send me an email to jdief99@gmail.com.

After taking a year off with a new job...I have many apps to discuss. Follow me for at least 3 new apps at week.

Updated: 1/25/2013

Monday, December 13, 2010

BOOK APPS (Nook, Kobo, Google Book)

With so many online book apps, which is the right one to choose. I did some research and found these three tonight. The Barnes and Noble Nook and the Kobo both state that they have over one million free books online. Google Books tops them by claiming they have over two millions books online. By reading reviews, none of them really stand out as the app you want. Many complaints about each of them. Kobo and Google Books both have 2 1/2 stars out of 5 where the Nook have 3 stars.

Out of the 604 who have reviewed Google Books (which came out on Dec 6th), 227 gave only 1 star. People complain that there is no bookmarking, no highlighting, no dictionary, no note taking, etc.

With Kobo, a new version came out so it only had 7 giving it 5 stars and 4 giving it 1. With the old version, 24, 043 reviewed it and averaged with 2 1/2 stars. People complain that they can't find the free books, difficult to search and buy books, requires internet connection,etc.

Lastly, the Nook. with 1,787 people rating this app, it received 599 at 5 stars BUT 629 at 1 star. People complain that they cannot get their elibrary with the app, no large fonts, step backwards from the B&N eReader, and would assist with etextbook, but they found that you need Nookstudy instead.

Well, out of all of these, I don't know what to recommend. I have tried Kobo and I was not a fan. I also could not find any free books and I wasn't willing to spend money. From everything I was reading, I would pick the Nook as the top of the three. The REALLY good thing is that they are all FREE so you can try them yourself and keep the best.

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