What is App a Day?

With i-touches, i-pads and i-phones becoming more popular, the apps are increasing in numbers too. With so many apps out there, how do you know what is good and what isn't. That is what I am hoping to help you with in this blog. If you have a suggestion of an app to share...please send me an email to jdief99@gmail.com.

After taking a year off with a new job...I have many apps to discuss. Follow me for at least 3 new apps at week.

Updated: 1/25/2013

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hill Climb

I am not a big fan with cheesy games with little action but for some reason, I have been addicted to this game for the past few months.  I found myself playing to earn money so my son could upgrade and purchase new cars and locations.  With a recent add-on we received a few more vehicles such as a tank but again, we have everything upgraded and all locations so we can only rack up the money.  Fun game for the entire family and FREE.

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